Private House in Herzliya

Prestigious country style or modern luxury? This kitchen answers to both these definitions, sitting on a magnificent wooden fishbone floor. A modern country kitchen that has smooth cabinet fronts in a dark opaque finish and a large island (seven meters long) topped with a French oak butcher block.

As a country-style kitchen which places the element of family and warmth at its center, the large island in the central space serves as a work surface, for storage, and as a seating area with adequate room for many diners. All the work surfaces are made of solid wood, and there is a stainless steel sink in the kitchen fitted into a stainless steel countertop which was specially designed to provide a solution to the seam between the sink and the wooden counter. The kitchen projects a modern style due to its meticulous design in dark tones, its clean lines and high quality hardware.

Design: Dana Lotan
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Kitchens Catalog 2024
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